Internet of Things Services

iLink & Microsoft Present: Digital Transformation in the Manufacturing Industry Using IoT

To stay ahead of rapid changes in the manufacturing industry, you’ll need to access digital readiness and acumen to integrate technology for a stronger operation.

IoT has the capability to provide complete end-to-end visibility to the process and plant operations. This is a game changer for a product line delivering faster timelines and go-to-market strategies to assure optimal resource utilization.

iLink is a Microsoft IP Co-Sell ready partner delivering IoT solutions built on Azure IoT Hub. Join us to learn more about how these technologies can be leveraged to derive meaningful outcomes.

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    Why you should attend?

    • Learn how to use IoT and plant-floor data to predict and prevent equipment failure, improve reliability and reduce downtime.
    • Do you know where to get started and how to prioritize areas that have most impact on costs and revenue?
    • Find out how to start your digital transformation journey and what technologies are available.
    • Improve the performance of assets and equipment and lower maintenance costs
    • See how IoT can help improve processes and product quality
    • Leverage IoT to optimize production
    • Learn how to extend the useful life of equipment and assets with insights from IoT

    Who should attend?

    • CIOs & CXOs who want to drive changes within their organizations with IIoT
    • Production Managers responsible for driving plant productivity
    • Operations Leads looking for ways to increase efficiency and connectivity
    • IIoT Thought leaders and Enablers
    • Key Team members working with above



    Hourly Schedule

    Event Agenda

    03.20 PM - 03.30 PM
    Welcome and Registration
    03.30 PM - 03.35 PM
    About iLink Systems
    03.35 PM - 04.05 PM
    About Industrial IoT in Manufacturing
    04.05 PM - 04.15 PM
    Industrial IoT benefits and ways to achieve it
    04.15 PM - 04:30 PM


    Oct 21 2020


    3:30 pm - 4:30 pm




    India & UAE
    Rushikesh Kulkarni (GM, IoT)


    Rushikesh Kulkarni (GM, IoT)

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