How Top Industries can benefit most from Data Science & AI

Explore the revolutionary role of Data Science and AI in propelling industries forward. From reimagining retail strategies and transforming manufacturing operations to advancing healthcare and reshaping finance and telecom, delve into the benefits and real-world applications of these technologies. Learn how iLink Digital's expertise can guide your business towards embracing AI-driven growth and efficiency.

How IoT is reinventing Manufacturing and Supply Chains Industries in 2023?

IoT has transformed manufacturing operations and supply chain management by increasing operational savings and income prospects.  In this article, we will explore how the latest developments in IoT are helping the manufacturing and supply chain industries.

Factory worker using a digital tablet in factory

“Significant change is afoot [in manufacturing] and it necessitates bigger thinking. Those unprepared may find themselves being left behind.”- 2021 Deloitte report, Sustainable Manufacturing: From Vision to Action Sustainability is […]

How is Industrial IoT Making Manufacturing Safe?

Key Takeaways:   COVID-19 is redefining how industries see healthcare and safety measures in 2020 and beyond.  Industrial IoT will play a major role in implementing safety measures and ensuring business continuity.  IoT based […]

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