Maintaining a strong customer relationship is important for brand loyalty & advocacy, competitive edge, and profitability. Hence, understanding your customer data is key, but let’s face it, diving into complex dashboards can be a headache.
With Kea, our low-code platform for Conversational Insights, you can literally ‘Talk to your Data™’ and gain real-time contextual insights, all without the need to sift through a complicated dashboard, saving time and resources.
In this session, our experts will help businesses explore strategies to revolutionize Customer Relationship Management with Kea. Irrespective of location, type of device, or organizational role, kea enables businesses to make informed decisions from CRM data faster and smarter.
Why This Session is a must for Leaders like you:
What’s covered in this webinar:
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– Federal [including Military], State, Local and Public Education. This is a Microsoft partner event. Should items of value (e.g. food, promotional items) be disbursed to event participants, these items will be available at no charge to attendees. Please check with your ethics policies before accepting items of value.
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