OpenAI and Generative AI for Retail & CPG Industry

iLink leverage generative AI and OpenAI solutions to revolutionize inventory management, enhance customer experience, and drive operational efficiency for sustainable growth in the retail and CPG sectors.

The Rise of Personalized Shopping Experience


Business Problem

Product recommendations help retail companies to upsell and cross-sell products to their customers. However, recommendation engines are fairly simplistic and are mostly based on structured data sources.​



Generative AI for retail industry reshapes the personalized shopping experience for customers by recommending products based on their purchase history, browsing behavior, feedback texts, and shopping preferences. ​


Business Value

Lab Summaries


Business Problem

Doctors spend time having to look through multiple lab reports to spot anomalies and issues​.



Use Generative AI models to summarize lab reports and highlight key deviations from the norm, thus allowing the doctor to focus more time on the patient.​


Business Value

Improved real-time inventory management

Business Problem

Businesses often face challenges in their inventory management systems, such as inaccurate demand forecasting, overstocking or understocking, inefficient order processing, and lack of real-time visibility into inventory levels. ​


Generative AI for retail industry has opened a world of possibilities such as inventory management, accurate demand forecasting, inventory optimization, Automation of order processing, and provide real-time updates on inventory status.

 These models can also assist in identifying slow-moving or obsolete inventory, suggesting pricing strategies, and facilitating communication between different departments involved in inventory management

Business Value

Take the first step towards Sustainable Growth with iLink

iLink’s cutting-edge generative and open AI solutions can transform your Retail and CPG business, revolutionizing inventory management, elevating customer experiences, and maximizing operational efficiency.

    Open Chat

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