oil and gas industry trend

Over the past few years, the Oil and Gas (O&G) industry has been at the forefront of digital transformation. It has been constantly pushing the boundaries of technological innovation to […]

Best of tech trends in 2023

Explore 2023's pivotal tech trends: Generative AI's impact, Blockchain's trust-building, Low/No Code AI's ease, Digital Twin and 3D Printing's advancements, the Metaverse's evolution, secure digital identities, and RPA's efficiency in this insightful overview.

As mentioned in my previous blog, transactions form the fundamental aspect of a block chain system. In this blog we will get deep into understanding what exactly constitutes a “transaction” […]

In the previous blog, I explained block chain in basic terms and its possible use cases. In this blog, let us look at the high level mechanics of “How does […]

The technology that is most likely to change the next decade of business… its blockchain – Harvard Business Review Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create […]

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