
iLink, & Microsoft Present: Zero Trust for Enterprise Thin Edge

CIOs and Architects in enterprises have realized the importance of leveraging their Edge environment (IoT) for competitive advantage, business resiliency, and operational efficiencies. However, one of the top things on their mind is -How should I think about the security & integrity of not only my edge environment, but also the data that comes from the edge?

In this discussion, we will share what some of our industry-leading customers are doing in this space. We will also share some of the best practices and thinking around “Zero Trust”.

Register Here

    Why you should attend?

    • Learn why enterprises should think about considering IT and IoT environments holistically from a security standpoint
    • See how to design enterprise systems for the edge that follow a zero-trust approach
    • Gain strategies for mitigating risks & threats

    Who should attend?

    • CIOs & CISO who are embarking on an edge strategy for their companies
    • Operations/Line-of-Business leads looking for ways to keep their operations running smoothly and to prevent downtimes arising out of IoT environments
    • Enterprise architects & IT teams who are responsible for designing & managing IoT systems within their companies

    NOTICE TO ALL PUBLIC SECTOR OR STATE-OWNED ENTITY EMPLOYEES – Federal [including Military], State, Local and Public Education. This is a Microsoft partner event. Should items of value (e.g. food, promotional items) be disbursed to event participants, these items will be available at no charge to attendees. Please check with your ethics policies before accepting items of value.


    Hourly Schedule

    Event Agenda

    08: 50 AM - 09:00 AM PDT
    Welcome and Registration
    09:00 AM - 09:05 AM PDT
    About iLink Digital &
    09:05 AM - 09:35 AM PDT
    What is Zero Trust for Enterprise Thin Edge?
    09:35 AM - 09:45 AM PDT
    Top 10 design principles, best practices and why are they important? & Case Studies
    09:45 AM - 10:00 AM PDT


    May 27 2021


    9:00 am - 10:00 am


    Rushikesh Kulkarni (GM, IoT)


    Rushikesh Kulkarni (GM, IoT)

    Other Organizers

    Sanjay Rajashekar, Co-Founder SmartHub.AI
    Sanjay Rajashekar, Co-Founder SmartHub.AI

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