Dashboard in a Day

Dashboard In A Day

At Microsoft, we understand that in the current economic climate you are being asked to enhance your business by leveraging data to make critical business decisions in an efficient, precise and effective manner.

Power BI is a business analytics service that gives you a single view of your business data, with the ability to monitor the health of your business using live dashboards, create rich interactive reports and access your data on the go, from your mobile devices.

Microsoft in partnership with iLink Systems, Inc. are pleased to invite you to a free 1-day workshop covering the capabilities of Power BI. The goal of this informational session is to help you understand how to analyze your data in a rich and compelling way. Whether you are evaluating its ability to meet organizational requirements around data visualization and analysis or are looking to learn how it can help you be more efficient and make a greater impact on the work you do every day, this is the workshop for you.

At the end of the day, attendees will better understand how to:

  • Connect to, import, and transform data from a variety of sources
  • Define business rules and KPIs
  • Explore data with powerful visualization tools
  • Build stunning reports
  • Share dashboards with their team and business partners, and publish them to the web
Microsoft is proud to work with iLink Systems, Inc. to deliver this workshop.
For complete information on the data collection and use practices of each company, please read the full privacy statements of each company.
For information regarding your registration, please contact Power BI Partner Events
Want to learn more about Power BI?


Sep 01 2020


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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