Data Analytics on Laptop

CASE STUDY Data Center Migration and Core Modernization for a Leading Mining Company iLink Digital helped the client to migrate their data centre from Australia to Malaysia. The client’s IT […]

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CASE STUDYRevolutionizing Animal Healthcare with AI-Driven Clinical Workflow Solutions iLink Digital helped a leading animal healthcare provider overcome the operational challenges of their EHR platform, thus improving efficiency and the […]

iLink Data Analysis

CASE STUDYEmpowering a Pharma Leader with Unified Data Reporting Solutions iLink Digital helped the leading pharmaceutical company overcome the challenges of its fragmented and siloed reporting system. We addressed the […]


CASE STUDYInnovative Device Health Monitoring Saves Device Manufacturer $4M Annually iLink Digital helped the leading device manufacturer to navigate the significant challenges in their customer service business unit (BU). Their […]

Modernizing Data Infrastructure with Cloud Migration for a Leading Health Insurance Provider

CASE STUDYModernizing Data Infrastructure with Cloud Migration for a Leading Health Insurance Provider iLink Digital helped the leading health insurance provider to migrate their on-premises data infrastructure to the cloud, […]

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CASE STUDYEnhancing Operational Efficiency and Yield Optimization for a Leading Pharmaceutical Manufacturer iLink Digital helped the leading generic pharmaceutical industry revolutionize its manufacturing operations. From streamlining KPI management to implementing […]

Generative AI event

Streamlining IT & SecOps with Beak AIOps Platform for a Modern Technology Consulting Firm iLink Digital empowered the client to overcome the challenges in their IT & SecOps through integrating […]

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CASE STUDYEnhancing Contract Validation Process with Risk Compliance Automation for a Leading Manufacturer iLink Digital empowered the client to overcome the risk and challenges of manual intervention in the contract […]

Telecom Trends

Modernizing Project Management Solution for a Leading Electronic Manufacturer iLink Digital empowered the client to overcome the risk and challenges in their project management solution and stakeholder collaboration. From automating […]

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