underwriting and risk assessment

According to the McKinsey Report, “By 2030, the insurance underwriting process will be completed in just a few seconds, driven by AI automation. The insurance industry is undergoing a technological […]

Embrace the Data first Marketing with Marketing Cloud Intelligence

Marketers empowered by accurate data can personalize messages and services to align with customer preferences and behaviors. Marketers require an intelligent, extensible, and flexible marketing analytics platform that can help […]


OutSystems is a low-code platform that offers multi-tenancy support, a critical feature for modern applications that serve multiple customers or tenants. Multi-tenancy allows each tenant to have its own data, settings, and customization options while sharing the same application. In this article, we outline the basic steps to get started with multi-tenancy on OutSystems, including understanding the multi-tenant architecture, defining your data model, creating tenant-specific configurations, implementing tenant isolation and security, testing your application, and deploying it to your production environment. By following these steps, you can build and deploy a robust and secure multi-tenant application on OutSystems that supports multiple customers or tenants.

DevOps with AWS Part 2 – Aligning Services with DevOps Stages

One popular platform for implementing DevOps practices is Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this article, we will discuss how to do DevOps using AWS and introduce some of the essential AWS services that can be leveraged in a DevOps workflow. 

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