
A Fascinating Journey in Cheat Player Identification using Confluent & AWS A Fascinating Journey in Cheat Player Identification using Confluent and AWS (Amazon Web Services) Unmasking Cheaters in the Virtual […]

Aligning DevOps with AWS: Development Stage [Part 4 of 9]

Discover the power of DevOps with AWS in the Development stage! Leverage services like AWS Cloud9, CodeGuru, X-Ray, CodeCommit, and CodeArtifact to optimize code development, collaboration, performance analysis, and artifact management. Boost your application development process and deliver high-quality software efficiently.


In this article, 3rd in the series, we will discuss the Planning stage of DevOps using AWS and introduce some of the essential AWS services that can be leveraged as part of DevOps.

DevOps with AWS Part 2 – Aligning Services with DevOps Stages

One popular platform for implementing DevOps practices is Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this article, we will discuss how to do DevOps using AWS and introduce some of the essential AWS services that can be leveraged in a DevOps workflow. 

AWS DevOps Cycle

Part 1 – Setting up DevOps Introduction DevOps is an iterative software development approach that brings development and operations teams together for improved collaboration and accelerated software delivery. One popular […]

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