Gauri TalekarTeam Lead, APMG Change Management certified practitioner
Grant StalleyAssociate Vice President of Client Services
Join us for an insightful webinar featuring Grant Stalley and Gauri Talekar as we delve into the strategies and tools for measuring the success of change initiatives, particularly in IT modernization projects. Discover how to effectively track Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics to enhance adoption efforts and ensure the success of your modernization initiatives. Learn actionable insights that will help IT leaders boost stakeholder confidence and sustain long-term adoption of changes.
Why This Session is Important
Measuring change adoption is crucial for ensuring the success of modernization efforts. This session will provide IT leaders with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively track progress, build stakeholder confidence, and foster sustainable change adoption within their organizations.
This session is ideal for IT Directors and Managers, Data Directors and Managers, Directors of Modernization/Digital Transformation, VP of IT/Technology, and Program and Project Managers looking to enhance their change management strategies.
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