
iLink & Microsoft Present: Power BI Art of the Possible for Healthcare

Data is one of the most strategic and valuable assets within an organization. We understand the need to enhance your business by leveraging data to make critical business decisions in an efficient, precise and effective manner.

Power BI is a business analytics service that gives you a single view of your business data, with the ability to monitor the health of your business using live dashboards, create rich interactive reports with stunning visuals, and access your data on the go, from your mobile devices. 

Join us for a free 90-minute session where you’ll see how easily you can connect to any data, then drag and drop to visualize, and get actionable insights at the speed of thought with Power BI. The goal of this informational session is to help you understand how to analyze your data in a rich and compelling way. And the best part is we’ll show you how to do all of this with some great healthcare use case examples! 

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    Dec 07 2021


    9:00 am - 10:30 am


    Stephanie Hotchkin, Director of Digital Transformation

    Other Organizers

    Kendra Burgess, Business Intelligence Technology Solutions & Strategy, Microsoft
      Open Chat

      Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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