Beyond Bots: Elevate Service Experience with iLink’s AI Agent

Explore how iLink’s Agentic AI enhances service experiences by automating processes and enabling proactive issue resolution.  

By 2028, 33% of enterprise software applications will include agentic AI, up from less than 1% in 2024, enabling 15% of day-to-day work decisions to be made autonomously. 

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AI service agent (2)

Introduction to the Demo

In this demonstration, we showcase how iLink’s AI Agent, in collaboration with ServiceNow and Microsoft Azure AI, transforms traditional service models. Witness the proactive capabilities that resolve IT issues before they escalate, ensuring a superior service experience. 

iLink Digital partners with ServiceNow and Microsoft to accelerate AI innovation through our R&D Labs, helping you unlock the full potential of AI and drive meaningful business transformation.”  

Elevate Your Service Experience Today!

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Discover how iLink Digital can implement cutting edge AI solutions tailored to your organization’s needs. 


Raman Singh Arora

VP - Digital Experience

    Open Chat

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