Emerging Trends in Edge Security

December 2, 2020 | 10AM
Join iLink, SmartHub & RSA for an exclusive roundtable event! 

What is EDGE technology and why is it important for your enterprise and customers? 

Hear from our exclusive panel of experts who will discuss the complexity of EDGE devices and how the ability to react quickly will continue to deliver meaningful customer experiences for long term success.  


Niranjan Maka
Niranjan Maka

As CEO & Co-Founder of SmartHub.ai, Niranjan is a business and engineering leader with over a decade of global experience in technology across a variety of industries. 

Niranjan is passionate about all things EDGE and holds a MS from IIT in Madras.  

Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan
Dr. Zulfikar Ramzan

As Chief Digital Officer, Dr. Ramzan leads RSA to drive their digital journey while managing digital risk and developing cutting edge functionality across RSA’s product lines. 

He holds over 50 patents and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT.   

Rushi Kulkarni
Rushikesh Kulkarni

Rushikesh Kulkarni, Global Head of IoT at iLink Digital and CEO of Thinking Hut Solutions, knows the value cutting edge technology brings to any business. 

Rushi holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Pune.

Event Timeline

10:00AM PST

Welcome Address

10:05AM PST

Overview & Context

10:20 AM PST

Roundtable Discussion

10:50AM PST

Closing Remarks

10:55AM PST

Thank You

Virtual Edge Roundtable
With decades of experience amongst our presenters, we invite you join us for this exciting event to learn with fellow industry leaders and peers about leading EDGE technology and trends.  
    Open Chat

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