Job Description
Programmer Analysts for various and unanticipated worksites throughout the U.S. (HQ: Bothell, WA). Design, develop, and integrate applications. Perform requirements gathering and analysis. Repairing production issues with software, as well as testing and maintaining developed software. Deploy software using CI/CD and support end-to-end testing regarding GUI design and development. Provide regular and effective updates of developed software to various teams. Technological Environment: AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, Node.js, backboneJS, Bootstrap, Python, jQuery, CSS,Visual Studio, SharePoint, distributed Agile team.
Required Skills & Qualifications
- Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Electrical Engineering, or related field plus two years of experience in the job offered or as Software Engineer or in software development required.
- Required: 2 years with: Requirements gathering and analysis, develop UI, Angular JS, JavaScript, HTML5, Bootstrap, jQuery, CSS, Visual Studio; Experience must include: distributed Agile team, Backbone JS. May work remotely.
Send resume to: HR Dept,, Ref: AB
Salary: $106,642 to $150,000/yr.